
Friday, August 29, 2008

Wedding Party's Invitation Letter (1)

To be married :


The seventh daughter of [NAME] and [NAME]


The fourth son of the [NAME] and the [NAME]

Matrimony : Wednesday, July 12, 2006,at 08.00 A.M. Western Indonesian

Time : Wednesday, July 12, 2006,at 12.00 A.M. Western Indonesian

Venue : [PLACE]

Jakarta, [date]

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

By the Grace and Blessing of God, we, as parents Request the honor of your presenceAt the wedding reception of our son and daughter

On Saturday, July 15, 2020, At 07.00 P.M. – completion

Venue : Hotel – Jakarta, Jl. Sudirman, Indonesia

It is an appreciation and happiness for us if you can attend the receptionto give a blessing pray for our son and daughter.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatllahi Wabarakatuh

The family of The family of [name of bride and groom's fathers and mothers)

Bride & Groom’s names

With all respects, we would be very happy if the present of the thankfulness given not in the form of souvenirs nor flowers.